Productivity Hacks For The Busy and Overwhelmed

photo-1461088945293-0c17689e48acIt’s a distinctive sign of growth when you start seeing things not by their common meaning but in terms of how you can use them to grow and become a better person.

Over the last 30 days I’ve re-defined a lot of concepts I once thought of as negative and used them to better my time management skills and increase my productivity. Continue reading →

Connections, Communities, Changes & Challenges

2014-01-Boeing-Runway-Aircraft-PlaneA wise man once said something very wise. In fact, many wise men have said many wise things. What we tend to forget is that wisdom, a lot of times, comes from moments where you had absolutely no idea what you were doing and simply decided to do something.

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A Letter to My Present-Day Self

Red-flowers-in-a-meadow-on-a-background-sunsetI know if feels like everything around you is falling apart. I know you it feels like you’ve disappointed the people around you and that you could have done more or should have handled things better. The weight of the world falls heavily on your (almost) 24-year-old shoulders and you’re afraid you’ll drop all of the pieces you’re juggling.

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Consistency, Codependency and Living Without a Plan

gut-feelingIt’s hard enough keeping up with the things you absolutely have to do to survive or to keep your life somewhat together. Where it gets ridiculous is when you factor in the responsibilities of adulthood (or something along those lines) and the sensitivity of time. Is balance a myth? How do you keep your life together and moving forward without having a panic attack every day? Continue reading →

“Money Isn’t Everything” and Other Misconceptions About Happiness

DSC_0907You’ve probably heard people around you say things like ‘money isn’t everything’ or using it’s cousin ‘you can’t buy happiness’ at least once in your life. As much as most of us may be inclined to agree, we also tend to feel one thousand times better when we have a good cushion in the bank instead of a negative balance. Attempting to sort out how I felt about these statements after just getting out of a very long period of having a negative bank balance a few things came to mind. Continue reading →

Saying Yes To What You Want


It’s Me!

This is not to be confused with accepting what is given to you.

Not all that is given to you is wanted. Not all of what you want will be given to you (nor should). Vocalizing what you want, loudly, with intention and certainty in your voice, affirmatively and definitively, in the present tense, is very different than “not saying no” and creates a very different kind of life. When you simply accept what is given, you leave your happiness to chance. When you actively say yes to the things you want (and consequently no to the ones you don’t) you get to decide what stays and what goes. Continue reading →

A Lesson On Sacrificing For The Greater Good

It’s hard to make out the difference between a gut feeling that something isn’t for you and the fear or resistance to change from your old self. Having been allowed the opportunity to re-do something, to approach it with a different attitude, to be more present and learn to appreciate it the second time around, I chose to believe my issue was the latter. ‘I’m probably still not seeing things for the blessing that they are’ I told myself. ‘I just need to work a little harder.’ Continue reading →